About Our Community

The St. John’s community strives to live into Christ’s calling that we lift up God’s unending love and loyalty for each one of us, no matter what. When we say “All Are Welcome,” we mean it.

We are engaged in a variety of efforts to care for one another and to speak prophetically to the wider community. We strive to be a beacon of justice and are well known for our advocacy, activism and fundraising for issues such as equal marriage, racial equality, refugee sanctuary, environmental justice and support for disasters through the Episcopal Relief Fund.

As a community in Christ, we do many things to care for one another.  Our rector is available to meet with new parishioners to help provide an orientation to the community. St. John's ministry also includes pastoral counseling, especially in times of crisis.

We welcome the wider community onto our campus for fellowship as the home to A Far Cry, JP Social Gamers, The Apollo Ensemble, Shirronda Yoga, Open Theatre Project and many more. It is through this outreach and our commitment to social justice that we outwardly express our faith and represent Christ to others. 

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our commitments

Our parish strives to uphold commitments to our Jamaica Plain community and the world at large, by reflecting God’s love and justice through our collective work and worship.

parish leadership

Our Rector and Curate work very closely with the Vestry (elected lay leadership of the parish) and larger parish community to create a space of welcome for all.



St. John’s church and its parishioners are woven into the historic fabric of the City of Boston, the community of Jamaica Plain, and the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts.

Let all who enter here be received as Christ.
— St. Benedict